
La Leche League of Washington - 2008 Conference

When: October 17–19, 2008 (Fri–Sun)


Redmond Towne Center Marriott Hotel
7401 164th Ave NE
Redmond, WA 98052
(near Seattle)

La Leche League of Washington celebrates its bi-annual conference, "The Caring Continuum," a family-friendly weekend focused on breastfeeding and parenting topics. The 3-day conference opens Friday night with keynote speaker Mary Sheedy Kurcinka (Raising Your Spirited Child). Additional presenters include Jan Hunt, Pam Leo, API Co-Founders Lysa Parker and Barbara Nicholson, and many more.

Scott Noelle will give two parenting presentations on Saturday, October 18th:

2:30–3:45, The Art of Unconditionality
4:30–5:45, The Creative Pleasure Principle

Scott's book, The Daily Groove will be on sale at the conference, and he will be available for book-signing from 5:45 to 6:15 on Saturday.

Complete conference info is online at www.lllwaconf.org